
Valle Trompia is an area rich in history and nature located a few kilometres north of Brescia. Valle Trompia is easily reachable by metro from Brescia, and by car from all the major centres of Northern Italy, thanks to its proximity to the A4 motorway.
Historically linked to mining and ironworking, this valley is also a great naturalistic spot, which welcomes and invigorates visitors at first glance. The imposing Monte Maniva (1864 m a.s.l.), the fresh waters of the river Mella, and a splendid luxuriant pre-Alpine landscape are only a few of the natural beauties offered by this valley.

Follow your passions


A flexible Valley ideal for enjoying outdoor activities in all seasons and levels: from experts to amateurs, to families with children. Skiing, snowshoeing, trekking, and mountain bike riding are just some of the sports that can be enjoyed in Valle Trompia. Don’t forget the experiences in contact with nature, such as the numerous activities to be enjoyed on the farms and farm stays specialising in typical local products.

  • Bike Paths
  • Climbing and Vie Ferrate
  • Horse riding
  • Parks and outdoor areas
  • Rural Tourism
  • Ski and snowshoes
  • memmo-dasdana
    Trekking and walks


For lovers of local history and culture, Valle Trompia offers a journey full of discoveries, starting with the traditional Iron and Mine Route, passing through the archaeological museums, the historic villas and palazzos, as well as the Paul VI collection of contemporary art and the Sacred Route, without forgetting the farming and peasant tradition. A territory with a thousand faces, all to be discovered and explored.

  • Museums and collections
  • Sanctuaries and Parish Churches
  • Villas, palazzos and towers


Where to eat

Family-run taverns, farm stays and restaurants await you for a food and wine journey to discover the traditional flavours of Valle Trompia.


Where to sleep

The facilities in Valle Trompia, mostly family-run, are ready to welcome you and make you feel at home, while guiding you to discover the territory.


Where to shop

Discover our small shops where you can buy typical products such as cheese, cold meats, jams, honey and mountain saffron, to take the flavours of the Valley home with you.

its deep emotions

its deep emotions

Best Instagram posts

❄️ La magia dell’inverno sta arrivando, ma siccome eravamo impazienti siamo andati e cercarla in anticipo. E l’abbiamo trovata!

⛄️ Per ora è stato solo un piccolissimo assaggio, qualche timido fiocco… Ma siamo sicuri che presto la nostra valle si imbiancherà e il Natale diventerà incantevole e ricco di sorprese 🎄


Di luoghi belli e sconosciuti.

In bassa e media valle spesso non si incontrano cime conosciute o pareti rocciose verticali. Ultimamente non arriva più nemmeno molta neve, spesso si è nel bosco e indovinate: non si incontra nessuno, o quasi!

👉🏼 Il turismo prende sempre più piede negli stessi luoghi, la gente si concentra nei posti più conosciuti quando invece esistono altri luoghi – che sono belli e sconosciuti, proprio perché nessuno ha ancora dichiarato la loro bellezza.

🙏Grazie ai volontari del @cai_villacarcina che ci hanno accompagnato lungo un pezzo del cammino 3V e che ci hanno fatto riflettere su una cultura della montagna che sta andando perduta: trovandoci un tronco sul sentiero ci passiamo sopra, accanto, sotto.

🔴 Quanti di voi spostano quel tronco contribuendo spontaneamente alla manutenzione ordinaria del sentiero (che magari percorrete ogni giorno)?

📍3V: Località Gremone, San Giovanni - Forcella di San Vigilio, Concesio

#visitbrescia #visitvalletrompia #inlombardia #deepemotions #cmvt #sport #natura #cultura #enogastronomia #outdoorliving #trekking

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