Caregno Plateau
The Caregno Plateau covers about 120 hectares in the territory of Valle Trompia and includes the municipalities of Gardone Val Trompia, Marcheno and Tavernole sul Mella. Downstream it is bordered by an escarpment of limestone-dolomitic rocks; upstream, it is bordered by reliefs that fall within the “Area of Particular Environmental Interest” of Monte Guglielmo. The grassy expanse hosts numerous dolines (microforms of karst corrosion) and small caves, traditionally called “cà ìe.” This is where the mountain landscape begins, dotted with beech and fir trees, summer pastures, lean meadows and mixed deciduous and coniferous trees, created and maintained for centuries by man. The meadows on which the farmsteads, once inhabited by peasants, and holiday homes stand are bordered by hedges that become an important nesting area or refuge for various bird species. Today the Plateau is the starting point for educational and tourist excursions (including one leading to the summit of Monte Guglielmo) and to picturesque family-friendly picnic areas.