Sarezzo is a municipality of about 13,150 inhabitants, comprising the hamlets of Zanano, Ponte Zanano and Noboli. The town stands at a central point in Valle Trompia where it forks with Val Gobbia. Since ancient times it has played an important role within the territory because ancient populations converged there to trade goods and livestock. The town’s economic development was characterised by the Redocla torrent, which in 1850 caused the flood that devastated the town. Palazzo Avogadro is found in the historical centre of Zanano, which the Municipality of Sarezzo now owns, and houses frescoes painted between the 14th and 15th centuries. Sarezzo is also home to the “I Magli di Sarezzo” Museum, which is the first stop on the “Via del Ferro e delle Miniere” (Iron and Mines Route) of the Ecomuseum of Valle Trompia. In Sarezzo, visitors can also enjoy beautiful walks, such as the one that leads from the Sarezzo Valley to the beautiful Civic Sanctuary of Sant’Emiliano.